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+380 63 523 26 29
Mon – Sat: 9:00 – 18:00

Parking solutions Amano

Amano’s Xparc parking solutions provide an ideal solution for every type of carpark. With a clear focus on adaptability, daily operations and end-user experience, Xparc strongly contributes to the convenience of both drivers and operators.

Clear focus on serviceability

Xparc can be installed locally or in the Cloud and has a clear focus on serviceability towards both the operators and end users. Not only does the software contain a Parking Management system, it also allows for remote intervention on the different field devices. This significantly reduces down time during maintenance works, and at the same prevents travel expenses to be paid by the customer.

Limitlessness in every aspect

Xparc parking operators benefit from the numerous advantages of unlimited configuration of:

  • Devices
  • Season cards
  • Tariff structures
  • Xoffice users

HQ intercom system improving the parking experience

Xparc allows for a VoIP connection between IP Phones and the intercom modules in the devices. When used with CCTV, live video support can be activated when the driver presses the intercom request button. These calls can even be forwarded to mobile devices or land lines for off-site, centralized support.

User-friendly carpark management tool

Xparc comes with a user-friendly carpark management tool, Xoffice, of which the access rights can be defined on a strict need-to-know basis. This way, sensitive information like financial results can be limited to managers and / or executives.

Users can connect to Xoffice over a convenient web interface guaranteeing the highest possible degree of security.

High degree of extensibility and adaptability

The open platform Xparc is built upon, allows for a high degree of extensibility and adaptability to:

  • Third-party interfaces that either offer or retrieve data to/from Xparc
  • Functional needs like specific tariffs or reports

Local needs of any kind (e.g. integration of specific additional devices)

Full DDA compliancy

To optimize the parking experience for differently able drivers, the following add-ons can be incorporated:

  • Intercom auto on
    This functionality automatically initiates the intercom when people aren’t able to do so themselves.
  • 2nd screen on sitting height
    A second screen can be installed on the sitting height of wheelchair users to make sure they have access to the same information as other parking users.

Hearing loop compatibility
For improved support, the intercom can connect to hearing impaired persons’ hearing device.

Calculation Amano

    Calculation Amano

    Xoffice refers to Xparc’s extensive, reliable carpark management software and consists of different modules that can be activated in function of your individual needs. This makes it the ideal solution for any type of carpark, ranging from SME staff parking lots to more complex installations at the airport or shopping mall.


    On top we offer different interfaces for integration in external systems, making Xoffice perfectly fit the needs of various vertical markets. Examples include:

    ·         reservation systems

    ·         Opera interface (hotel sector)

    ·         space counting

    ·         3rd party mobile apps

    ·         customer discounts

    ·         season card management

    ·         3rd party payment solutions

    ·         etc.


    Rather than being a static product, Xoffice is a solution under continuous development. We permanently do our best efforts in order to extend the solution with innovating features and make it comply with the ever-changing laws and regulations.

    The following add-ons are available to help you get the best out of your Xparc parking lot

    ANPR & CCTV technology
    Through ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) technology, number plates can be automatically recognized by cameras. Together with standard video surveillance, this largely contributes to your carpark’s security.

    Entry and Exit devices for cars AND trucks
    Xparc’s entry and exit devices can be equipped with a second screen on the sitting height of truck drivers. This way, they no longer need to get out of their truck in order to enter the parking lot.

    Door readers for pedestrian access
    Door readers allow you to restrict access to only people whose cars are parked in your parking lot. This significantly reduces the risk of theft and vandalism.

    Compact devices for smaller areas
    Not enough room? No problem! Smaller devices are available to fit parkings of all shapes and sizes.

    Space counting signs

    Space counting signs help improve the overall parking experience by indicating the number of available spots. To meet even your most severe requirements, we offer them in different shapes and sizes.

    Key features include:

    • Real-time synchronization
      As data is being refreshed every 2 seconds, the displayed amount of spots will always be up-to-date
    • Different formats
      Different types of space counting signs are available. These can also be grouped for parkings consisting of different areas (see picture)
    • Different mountings
      Pole-mounted, wall-mounted or even attached to the ceiling? Whatever your preferences are, we’ve got just the right option for you!
